Q4 2022 Health and working environment

The goal of the learning package is to create a health-promoting work environment by:

  • Ensuring supportive leadership when planning, organizing and carrying out work
  • Reducing negative consequences of disturbing noise and self-generated noise and vibrations
  • Preventing bullying and harassment in the workplace

Introduction: A health-promoting work environment

 A good working environment is about how we plan, organize and carry out our work. How do we ensure that the work contributes to promoting health and a good working environment?

Case studies

Choose the case most relevant to your team as a starting point for how we can promote health and a good working environment.

Supportive leadership

How does supportive leadership contribute to a health-promoting work environment?

Self-generated noise and vibrations

How can we reduce self-generated noise and vibrations?

Disturbing noise in office environments

How can we reduce disturbing noise in office environments?

Bullying and harassment

How do we prevent bullying and harassment in the workplace?