Before you go through the learning package with your team, read through this guide and familiarize yourself with the contents of the package by browsing the pages that apply to your target group and the case(s) you want to work with.
It is recommended to set aside 45-60 minutes to complete the package. The package can also be completed over two meetings.
Review the goals of the learning package. Then watch the intro film for the learning package, «Prevent work-related illness and long-term strain», with information about:
Select the case labeled «Work engagement» or «Sleep hygiene». Watch the film belonging to the case and discuss the reflection questions below. Enter the answers to the questions in the form.
Download the onepager about the topic (at the bottom of the page) and use this to follow up the work you have started.
By entering an e-mail address on the last page of the form, you will receive a copy of the answer you have registered on the reflection question(s). To follow up the work locally, it is recommended to revisit the topic 1-2 times during the quarter; Discuss what you have done since the last time and how you can continue working with it.
A systematized report will be prepared based on all responses and proposals for measures that are collected through Always Safe, which will be sent out in the next quarter. We are doing this to learn from each other and gain better insight into how we should work further with the topic, both centrally and locally. The goal is for this to be a good basis for further improvements in the various companies.
Before you go through the learning package with your team, read through this guide and familiarize yourself with the contents of the package by browsing the pages that apply to your target group and the case(s) you want to work with.
It is recommended to set aside 45-60 minutes to complete the package. The package can also be completed over two meetings.
Review the goals of the learning package. Then watch the intro film for the learning package, «Prevent work-related illness and long-term strain», with information about:
Select the case labeled «Night work» or «Facilitating night work», depending on whether the package is being completed in an employee team or with a leader group.
Watch the film belonging to the case and discuss the reflection questions below. Enter the answers to the questions in the form.
By entering an e-mail address on the last page of the form, you will receive a copy of the answer you have registered on the reflection question(s). To follow up the work locally, it is recommended to revisit the topic 1-2 times during the quarter; Discuss what you have done since the last time and how you can continue working with it.
A systematized report will be prepared based on all responses and proposals for measures that are collected through Always Safe, which will be sent out in the next quarter. We are doing this to learn from each other and gain better insight into how we should work further with the topic, both centrally and locally. The goal is for this to be a good basis for further improvements in the various companies.
By premise providers, we mean the roles that have a special responsibility for setting a safe framework for the company’s risk management and a safe framework and premises for preventing work-related illness and avoiding long-term strain. Typical roles are AOM / production manager on land, OIM / PLC, safty representatives, health professionals, professionals in working environment and HSE manager on land.
Before you go through the learning package with your team, read through this guide and familiarize yourself with the contents of the package by browsing the pages that apply to your target group and the case(s) you want to work with.
Set aside 1 hour to complete the package, and set an agenda:
See below for a more detailed description of the individual points.
Review the goals of the learning package. Then watch the intro film for the learning package, «Prevent work-related illness and long-term strain», with information about:
Select the case labeled «Risk management».
Here we ask you, either alone or with your team, to reflect on or discuss the reflection questions on how you as premise providers can work to prevent work-related illness and long-term strain.
Enter the answers to the questions in the form.
By entering an e-mail address on the last page of the form, you will receive a copy of the answer you have registered on the reflection question(s). To follow up the work locally, it is recommended to revisit the topic 1-2 times during the quarter; Discuss what you have done since the last time and how you can continue working with it.
A systematized report will be prepared based on all responses and proposals for measures that are collected through Always Safe, which will be sent out in the next quarter. We are doing this to learn from each other and gain better insight into how we should work further with the topic, both centrally and locally. The goal is for this to be a good basis for further improvements in the various companies.