Q3 2020 Prevent falling objects

The goal of the learning package is to prevent falling objects by:

  • Increasing understanding of the static and dynamic causal factors are important to prevent falling objects
  • Increasing engagement and reinforcing safe behaviour among operative personnel and operative managers to prevent falling objects
  • Using operative personnel and managers to develop and improve new checklists to prevent falling objects

Select your target group and read the guidelines before starting

COVID-19: For the parts where you gather teams, please do so in accordance with the infection control rules in your company. Remember, virtual meeting places can be an effective alternative.


Before you go through the learning package with your team, read through this guideline and familiarize yourself with the content of the package by browsing through the pages that apply to operational personnel.

In this learning package the team will:

  1. 1. Be informed about two new checklists to be tested in field and improved
  2. 2. Watch a film and discuss how they can work to prevent falling objects
  3. 3. Perform a practical task in field, where they use the checklist “Prevent falling objects: Finding objects before they fall” to look for potential falling objects

Go to the case labeled “Operative personnel” and download the checklists before you start the meeting. Make sure you also have the SFS Fall Prevention Handbook available.

Possible improvements to the checklists should be written down and submitted via the form on alwayssafe.no.


Review the objectives of the learning package. Then watch the intro-film titled “Prevent falling objects“, providing you with:

  • – The background and topics of the Always Safe annual wheel
  • – Information about the learning packages, and what we want to achieve with them
  • – Facts about falling objects
  • – Insights and causal factors related to falling objects: work at heights and technical aspects
  • – Focus areas for the Q3 learning package

Part 1

Select the case labeled “Operative personnel“.

Provide information on the new checklist: “Prevent falling objects during work at heights/scaffolds”.

Briefly inform the participants of the purpose of the checklist and its contents, and that it will be used by managers when carrying out field verifications.

Then, watch the film “Work at height” (approx. 5 min), and discuss the reflection questions on how you can work together to prevent falling objects. The answers should be entered into the form below the film.

Part 2

Everyone meets prepared to go to field (full PPE). The manager provides a brief update on what is going to happen.

First, present the new checklist: “Preventing falling objects: Finding objects before they fall”. Briefly inform about its purpose and content; and that it will be used by managers when carrying out field verification.

Select areas/modules for review in field and, if necessary, split the group into teams. The teams go into the field to look for possible static falling objects. Let the teams use the checklist to ensure that they have the right focus when they are going out to  make their observations. Also, make sure that the SfS Fall Prevention Handbook is available.

Identified objects should be removed/secured if possible. All findings should be documented in Synergi for the installation/site. Take pictures to document the findings.

Summarize all together: How well do you feel the checklist works? Write down suggestions for improvements at the bottom of the checklist. The manager submits all the input via the form on alwayssafe.no (where you find the checklist).


All findings should be followed up locally and finalised in the same way as normal observations.

The checklists will be updated and standardized based on the improvements suggested by the various companies. All input will be reviewed and taken into account. The revised checklists will be published on alwayssafe.no. The goal is for each company to integrate the new checklists into their respective management system.


Before reviewing the learning package, read through this guideline and familiarize yourself with the contents of the package by browsing through the pages that apply to you as operative leader.

The learning package consists of an introduction and two parts where we ask you as a leader to test two new checklists in field and provide feedback on how they work for field verification.

  • – In Part 1: Checklist “Prevent falling objects during work at heights/scaffolds
  • – In Part 2: Checklist: “Prevent falling objects: Finding objects before they fall

You can download the checklists by opening the case labeled “Operative leaders”.

After verification, summarize your experiences together at an evening meeting / other leader meeting. Possible imporvements to the checklists are to be written down and submitted in the form at alwayssafe.no.


Review the objectives of the learning package. Then watch the intro film: “Prevent falling objects”, providing you with:

  • – The background for, and the topics of, the Always Safe annual wheel
  • – Information about the learning packages and what we want to achieve with them
  • – Facts about falling objects
  • – Insights and causal factors related to falling objects: work at heights and technical aspects
  • – The focus of the Q3 learning package

Select the case labeled “Operative leaders”. See the film “Work at height” (ca. 5 min), and discuss the reflection questions on how operative leaders can work to prevent falling objects. Register the answers in the form below the film.

Part 1

Go into the field and verify work at heights and scaffolding using the checklist “Prevent falling objects during work at heights/scaffolds“. Scaffolding and work at heights include risk. The goal is to prevent an object from falling due to a lack of risk assessment in job planning; in the execution of work; or in connection with transport to/from work.

After verification, summarize together at an evening meeting/other leader meeting: How well do you feel the checklist works? Does it capture different needs and situations? Take note of possible improvements and submit via the form on alwayssafe.no (where you find the checklist).

Part 2

Go into the field two and two from the leader group together. Select an area/module. Use the checklist “Prevent falling objects: Finding objects before they fall“. Focus should be on static falling objects. These are objects that fall down without external influences and pose a significant security challenge.

Identified objects should be removed/secured, if possible. All findings should be reported in Synergi for the installation/site. Take photos to document the findings.

After verification, meet and summarize together at an evening meeting / other leader meeting: How well do you feel the checklist works? Does it capture different needs and situations? Write down possible improvements and submit via the form on alwayssafe.no (where you find the checklist).


The checklists will be updated and standardized based on the improvements suggested by the various companies. All input will be reviewed and taken into account. The revised checklists will be published on alwayssafe.no. The goal is for each company to integrate the new checklists into their respective management system.


Before reviewing the learning package on your own or with your team, read through this guideline and familiarize yourself with the content of the package by browsing through the pages that apply to land-based personnel.

In previous years, the focus has mainly been on operative personnel. This year, we are choosing a more holistic approach to the topic “Prevent falling objects“, where we want to reach 3 different target groups that either directly or indirectly influence the work with falling objects:

  1. 1. Operative personnel
  2. 2. Operative leaders
  3. 3. Land-based personnel


Start by watching the intro film for the learning package: “Prevent falling objects“, providing you with:

  • – The background and topics of the Always Safe annual wheel
  • – Information about the learning packages and what we want to achieve with them
  • – Facts on falling objects
  • – Insights and causal factors related to falling objects: work at height and technical aspects
  • – Focus of the Q3 learning package

Part 1

Open the case labeled “Land-based personnel”

Either on your own or together with your team, reflect on or discuss the reflection questions on how you can work to prevent falling objects.

Enter your answers in the form at alwayssafe.no.

Part 2

In the learning package for Q3 2020, operative personnel and leaders will go into the field to look for possible falling objects. They will test out new checklists to help prevent falling objects. You may familiarize yourselves with these checklists by downloading them from alwayssafe.no.

Input and suggestions for improvement from the field survey will be systematized and made available to departments and land managers (key stakeholders), so as to gain better insight into the hazard that falling objects represent offshore / onshore – and how you can help the company as a whole prevent falling objects, and thereby avoiding accidents and injured colleagues.


The checklists will be updated and standardized based on the improvements suggested by the various companies. All input will be reviewed and taken into account. The revised checklists will be published on alwayssafe.no. The goal is for each company to integrate the new protocols into their respective management system.

Associated Life Saving Rules

Q3 Learning Package Follow-Up