Q3 2023Safe work at heightand preventing dropped objects

The goal of the learning package is to strengthen safe work at height and prevent dropped objects by:

  • Identifying potentially dropped objects
  • Identifying and managing conditions that may contribute to dropped objects
  • Ensuring transfer of experience and learning related to work at height and dropped objects

Introduction: Safe work at height and preventing dropped objects

How can we work more safely at height and prevent dropped objects? To succeed, we need to identify and manage conditions and potential error traps that can make work difficult through planning and preparation before the job, and we need to strengthen the transfer of experience and learning from the work we have done.

Case studies

Choose the case most relevant to your team as a starting point for how we can work safely at height and prevent dropped objects.

Planning safe work at height

How can we ensure good planning and preparation for work at height?

Identifying and reporting potential dropped objects

How can we strengthen observation and reporting of potential dropped objects?

Influencing risk from the office

How do our work tasks in the office influence risk at the sharp end?