Q3 2021 Observation of hazards

Observation in the field

Film: Observation in the field

To prevent injuries and other incidents, everyone must contribute and look for possible hazards, to themselves and others. How can we become better at using observation in the field, to catch dangerous conditions before something happens?

NB! Please note that some of the footage used in the films was taken before Covid 19. Always follow the applicable infection control rules.

Questions for reflection

Practical task

In part 2 / trip 2 you will use observation technique in practice.

You will go out into the field and hunt for potential falling objects. Select a limited area for the observation round and use the SfS handbook for preventing falling objects (or similar) as an aid to select which things to look for and how.

(If here are other dangerous conditions that are currently important for you to focus on, you may also choose this as the topic for the observation round.)


Guide for planning and conducting the observation rounds